A Collection of Channeled and Inspired Books
For Navigating a More Whole and Peaceful Human Experience
All Worlds Publishing was established in 1992 with the publishing of I Remember Union — The Story of Mary Magdalena.
All Worlds Publishing is an arm of Soul Support Systems. Visit the website by clicking here.
For inquiries, click here • PO Box 603, Plantsville, CT 06479
All World Publishing features books written by Flo Aeveia Magdalena and others from the Soul Support System Community
“Flo’s vision and work are based on the concept that humans, nature, and spirit can live cooperatively and sustainably. Flo is a respected visionary, futurist, author, channel, healer, teacher, and spiritual mid-wife. She has worked throughout the world since 1979 with individuals and groups, helping them connect to and access their soul's essence and to live their highest potential and life purpose.”
To learn more about Flo click here.

From a mystical three-year experience with Mary Magdalene, Flo wrote her first book — I Remember Union: The Story of Mary Magdalena, a dramatic, evocative and inspiring book that reveals Mary’s role in the life of Jesus and their destinies that initiated the Peace of a Million Years of Dreaming, 2000 years ago.
I Remember Union has won critical acclaim and is now being made into an epic adventure movie iRemember.
Flo has written many other books including, Sunlight On Water: A Guide For Soul-full Living, and Honoring Your Child’s Spirit: Pre-birth Bonding and Communication. Her work brings a message of hope about our capacity to create a world of peace, honor, and union.
I Remember Union is a based on the profound love story of Christ, Mary and Judas, and their legacy of peace for our time.
We are excited to announce the French release of
The Voice of the Mothers - Two Books in One!
Deux livres en un !
Livre 1 : Le courant féminin de la création- La lignée de Marie-Madeleine
Livre 2 : La Grande Mère parle Enseignements fondamentaux de notre Mère Terre
Le livre de poche étant livré en dehors des Etats-Unis, il est plus économique et plus pratique de le commander en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous.