Welcome to the Glossary of Our Living Library
Definitions contained here are applied from The Nameless Ones and other Spiritual Teachers who bring teachings and are specific to the content of their combined epistemology. Other ways of viewing these words/phrases/understandings may be applied as well, as these are fluid and represent a vantage point from outside of the human realm.
We are bringing to you the essential points of Order, or structure which uphold and engender the universe of your experience. This is now proof that you are ready to know the full magnitude of your own capacity to create and engender your universe, to uphold your own life support system. We are revealing the Truth in essence to validate your readiness to participate as Gods and Goddesses in the unfolding of a Design which has been held away from you for the purpose of drawing you toward it, a way of urging and evoking a response and memory.
Now that you remember, there is no need for the mystery to surround the process. It is time for the clarity which you seek and the unfolding of a greater frame of acknowledgment and Union. We open the mystery to you as proof that you are now a God/Goddess of Creation. Use the Truth as a pattern to approach the words described below, as a key system which lies before you as a gemmed or jeweled city of lights.
The words are lights which trigger your excitement and initiative. Share now, more than ever before, the creation of your Light, also, so that the knowing and the participation and the acknowledgment are the same. As you share in your knowing and your learning and your remembering, there comes an invocation, a calm acceptance of your place, a fulfillment of yearning.
This is also about trusting each other with your ideas and secrets and gifts, knowing that no one can take a gift away from you, that essentially you are the same and that all is truly One. This is what you are practicing now.
Know that there are no longer lines of division within your structures, and that this is what the ego may be resisting. Trust yourself to have the place necessary for your fulfillment, and each of you will unfold as your Light joins the others, and the whole city, or system, of Light is then awakened. Begin afresh to honor that the Design guides you forward and yet, you are now seeing so much of the Design that you no longer need to believe that it is taking you anywhere. You are already there.
Rejoice in this and know that this is the Kingdom of Heaven, now among you.

~ A ~
Above and Below:
The above and below is referencing the Truth of how Creation has defined continuums within it that reflect the Original Design of Union (the Above) and the foundation of Earth’s reflection of that Union through its diversity (the Below). Individuation and Collectivity provide a full range and scope of experience and relativity that offer a deeply resilient and profound opportunity for creating without limitation and experiencing Union through diversity.
The Absolute:
The Absolute is a space of infinite creation, where the beginning and ending are known, the design is accorded through truth and the soul is the element of creation which engenders life itself. All other creatures are, in a sense, examples of the power of creation so that you can see what is possible. All life and all essential places of creation exist in the Absolute. If we say that you are representing the Absolute or are bringing absolution, it is because you are full of the awareness that there is no right or wrong, that there is no way for the separation to continue and knowing this brings freedom from guilt. Those of you who know the Absolute, are, in a sense, the messengers for humanity. The holographic principle of oneness is held here.
The result of being in the Absolute is to experience absolution, which is the removing of all karma (grief, guilt, fear, and separation). Knowing the within is the divinity result.
To receive and integrate through the circuits of the body so that you realize your connection and linkage with something.
Acceleration Curve:
The wave of energy which coincides with and therefore measures the expansion of human consciousness, or the raising of human vibration and awareness. This is the way Spirit can tell what is needed for the next step. It is like opening a door and looking outside and sensing what you need to cover the body on a certain day, perhaps a raincoat or a sweater. The curve tells anyone who is attuned to it that there is a process underway which indicates action and participation.
Acknowledged, upheld, recognized or affirmed.
1) To make firm, as in a verbal statement to provide intention.
2) To give honor or credence to, to accord. If you affirm something, it is using free will to align your intention with your outcome.
To put all the pieces of the puzzle together at one time so that they fit; to collate and order all events and aspects; a preliminary exercise and experience to show how the hologram was initiated and designed. Practice putting the pieces together and you learn what it is like to create universes.
Akashic Records:
The “Library of Congress in the sky,” where all the choices, aspects, and learnings of humanity are recorded. This is where all beings are made real, in a sense, because the record is the essential “proof” of life. Those who tap the records are accessing the design level, the level of the Council, for this is the Council’s journal. Perhaps an example would be that if you decide to create a universe, you will express the creative intent in some way and follow its progress; it’s that simple.
Alignment is the sequential ordering of the circuits in the body and the pathways of the psyche so that there is an agreement about the resonance, frequency or vibration being experienced. After the agreement, the other part of alignment is that, spontaneously, the person then feels or experiences a connection with other beings, and states of being, which are sensed as oneness, i.e., attunement.
Alternative Realities:
Realities linked to your current reality through the pathway of soul, but not usually perceived by the current reality. These realities are accessible from soul through intention.
The state or condition of not remembering truth. In most instances, human birthing produces amnesia by separating the human being from its spiritual essence and soul.
Angels are the messengers of the Council, who provide a link or connection between humanity and Spirit. Angels know the design and see the holographic plan and in literal and sensual ways, provide a message to assist you in taking the next step. Their messages take the form of synchronicity and coincidence, which are the angels’ signals. Angels are created by the Monad for companionship and provide an intercessory level to sustain the invisible. Angels travel in pairs and, although they cannot change your mind about something, they will gently prod and encourage, particularly while you sleep. They thrive on gratitude, so it is recommended that you communicate and say “thank you” every night. They will work with you, and you can develop a system of communication if you desire. State the intention that you want to receive the guidance of your angels, ask for a sign or signal of how they wish to communicate with you, and then be alert for the fulfillment of the signal. Then ask for help in certain areas and stay aware of what happens. Talk to the angels in your mind and prepare to receive great union, for this is the angels’ purpose in being.
Aspects are points of reality which are born as souls into this dimension. Before and during the time of Christ, many souls chose to incarnate together, to participate in the experience of this dimension in groups. Some souls after that point also incarnated in groups, although the design has been to incarnate as individuals, for this is the experience of creating unity from different bodies and “souls,” and provides more in-depth learning. There are 144 aspects of Christ, for instance, which means that 144 souls created the personality of the Christ.
The response of the emotional body to external experience, people, structure, or events, resulting in a separation from self.
The place of vibrational balance in the levels of the being.
The experience of perceiving and bringing that which is perceived into the senses for acknowledgment.
~ B ~
Balance and alignment are basically the same thing: a point at which all comes together and nothing can be differentiated. An example is when the pendulum stops swinging: that is balance. In the being, it is when there is no struggle, only acknowledgment.
The state where there is no thought. This is the most direct way to know God. It is to feel as if the material concerns and normal necessities are a long way away, and you are self-sufficient and safe and know no limits. It is the state where what you usually require is on the back burner and you know the gas is off, and you can relax. Make it simple, because “being” is an important piece in remembering that you are important to the design. For in the state of being, there are no questions, only essential knowing. When we say “the total being,” for example, we refer to the total organism: body, mind, emotion, spirit, soul, and psyche.
Ways of perceiving and interpreting “reality” which usually separate people. Things that you believe, are held in form in the mind and usually contain judgment. We would recommend that there are no beliefs in your psyche, only truth from the Seed of Light. If you have to believe in something, we would suggest that you believe only that there is light.
To be physically present in more than one place in one moment of time.
Bindu (symbol): "point", "drop" or "dot". It is a symbol of the cosmos, creation, and unity.
The etheric structure in the soul which holds the choices for the life made in the Swing Between Worlds. When read to the soul, the blueprint elicits and charges the vibration housed in the soul’s structure to assure its remembrance of choices made before birth.

~ C ~
Causal Field:
The level of energy in the firmament which restructures and realigns physical matter. Asking to use the causal field or level of energy brings the capacity to realign broken bone, for example, and re-establish order in the physical system, because it is matter.
Central Channel:
A vertical column or tube of light that is located within our body from the top of our head to the base of our torso.
From above, through the gateway of our Soul Seed, following along this pure Central Channel is our Bridge to below - into the Earth.
A Sanskrit word which means energy wheels. Designates major energy vortices in the body.
The single most important step in creating your reality is to choose. Nothing happens without choice.
Christ Consciousness:
The union of oneness in form as ordained through the essence of the One.
Chrystallis of Being:
This is the soul’s recognition point, the place where the soul is born—the energetic and vibrational resonance of the individual soul’s birth.
Circuits (Circuitry):
Circuits are the pathways that run through the body and are aligned with spiritual intent. Much like highways which connect your cities, they are the frame upon which the movement of consciousness is based. Developing and maintaining the circuits is a primary focus of importance as you live the blueprint of your design, because the circuits are what carry the charge of light and build the vibration to house the truth within you. If your circuits are developed you have a vital life force, are open to creation, and are balanced within and without. To balance and align the circuits is to order the being and place all the diverse human and physical points into the same intent and focus, providing access to the universe.
Water is essential to running the circuits, as water supports the current that actually flows through the circuits, to expand them. So drinking plenty of water is a way to accelerate the amount of charge you can run. For starters, add one glass of water per day, gently working up to 11 glasses per day. The current will take the extra water from your cellular body if more is needed to run the circuits. If you are consciously working with the circuits and feel like you have your finger in a light socket, or feel queasy, your body may need more fluid. Some of the circuits are physical and correspond to the ley lines and meridians, and some of the circuits are etheric, lying right above the body.
Clear-hearing; hearing words from the invisible.
Clear-feeling; sensing or feeling the invisible.
Clear-seeing; seeing or vision of the invisible (see Vision).
The word used to most clearly explain the process of imprinting which occurs from the mother at birth. The six-generational bonding of information, belief, fear structure, thought process, and memory into the circuits of an infant at the time the cord is cut from the mother.
Creating with others simultaneously.
Co-dependence is set up at the moment of birth with the cloning process of information imprinted into the soul of the child (see Cloning). As information is passed to the mind and emotion from the six generations of heredity (mom, grandmom, great-grandmom, etc.) the concept of separation is set into the psyche. The mind and emotion then feel the separation and become
co-dependent on each other to translate the reality of experience, setting up union between their two points. They depend on each other for responses, decisions, and perceptions, relating from this co-dependence to everything that is lived and perceived. When the being senses something, the mind immediately checks the subconscious for a record of how that experience “should” be translated or perceived and sends a message to the emotion and the emotion responds. The emotion is most times dependent upon the mind to give the appropriate reaction, and the emotion is therefore using the mental instead of responding totally from its essence. The experience of having one part of the being decide what the reality is, and then influencing one or more other parts of the being to determine reality instead of having the whole being respond, is what makes co-dependence an uncomfortable and self-limiting process. The concept of co-dependence is then taken to other experiences, such as family relationships, intimate relationships, issues with substances, or beliefs.
Events happening in rhythm with your experience which feel natural and synchronized with your intention, your direction, or your path.
All vibrations, impressions, experience, memories, and yearnings are in balance in your being. There is no need.
Coming Together of the Ages:
The age of remembering; the time when the veils are thin and allow access to all information from all time. A visual for this is a slinky. When the slinky is open, there is space between the coils which could represent “time” and when the slinky collapses, all parts of evolution are open for perusal because all the coils, which represent experiences in simultaneous reality, are close enough together to be available.
A circular wave of expanding and unfolding energy initiated by an intention which is grounded from truth, as in the sharing of a common center by the circles emanating from a point where a pebble has been dropped in water. Christ consciousness is concentricity. This is how critical mass is begun, how worlds are formed, how creation is expressed.
That which you get used to and think is real or the truth.
A channel or pathway for something, i.e., consciousness, light, order, etc.
The place where it all comes together. A point of balance attained through union with all components.
God’s rainbow. The visible, yet invisible pathways through which creation links and expresses. Your communication with the fields of order aligns, unifies, and includes you as one with all things, and is a way to practice experiencing your consciousness.
Maintaining the point of congruence.
A circular path of reality created to embody truth, universally; a circular representation of a universe or universes; the point at which universes spin and differentiate; a circular frame which moves life through its courses and holds it intact at the same moment; a container for life, life systems, and creation (See Twelve Continuums).
Deriving its essence from the invisible; pertaining to that which has not been embodied physically.
The body of light, order, and truth which emerged directly from the Monad to direct the free-will experiment. The Council is God’s/Goddess’ right hand organization, contains 12 original points of reality, and is the sustaining body, so to speak, of your universe. The Council is your energetic stability, that which provides a knowing of “home.”
A year-long series of sessions intended to provide knowledge and practical applications for spiritual expansion.
The expression of truth in form. What you create expresses your truth and allows you and others to be aware of your part in the design.
Creative Consciousness:
Creating from the awareness of all dimensions.
Critical Mass:
Critical mass is the combined molecular wave form, comprised of many singular points, which moves consciousness, energy, or form. When many singular points of consciousness join together and create in the same wave or thought field, the corresponding answer or return from the universe is to join these points together and respond. As you put out a message, the universe listens. As a response, it is generally a creation index, or an answer that is held as a thought form. When many begin to put together their ideas for oneness, union, order, or truth, there is a critical mass or molecular level of impact reached, which then goes out into the universe. The returning response, as well as the initial wave, is what is meant by the term critical mass—a level of impact that sustains a promise.
~ D ~
Derivative Response Mechanism:
The organic response of the hypothalamus to light and the accompanying synthesis which allocates light to the cerebral tissue, catalyzing functioning.
(The) Design:
The original map or plan for the free-will experiment. The design guides anyone who chooses to participate in its memory, to live according to laws and frameworks which instruct and unfold, without pain. If you are experiencing pain, you are outside of the design. The design always works for all aspects of life, for all people and situations. It always works perfectly, in alignment with everything, for the purpose of creating oneness in form.
That to which you have been called, the outcome you have chosen in the Swing Between Worlds, is your destiny. The individual design or contribution is the destiny. So you are individually called to fulfill this, because it belongs to you, and it is necessary for your part in the hologram to be played out.
Levels in the firmaments which house different aspects of total consciousness. These levels are invisible and were created as crucial foundational points for the integrity of life in all places.
The divine is the sacred from origin, the holy, respectful place of honoring and yet, non-distinguishing. When one accesses one’s divinity, all is accepted, including the self, and there is no judgment or separation. When one acknowledges one’s divinity, one then acknowledges being an emissary for the Monad. Another way of saying this, is that when one acknowledges one’s divinity, there is absolution, which results in the experience of being divine.
Domino Effect:
Used in context with the lasso and universal creation, the domino effect is the momentum or charge issued from the point where the fulfillment of creation and the initiation of creation join. A forward thrust takes the first event or place of order in the equation and touches the second which touches the third and so forth, using this effect to continue movement for actualization.
Separation; initially experienced at birth, as in sensory consciousness during breast/bottle feeding (Mother is ‘separate’ from baby.)
Also see: Non-duality

~ E ~
Earth’s Etheric Physical Body:
The body of the Earth lived in the dimension of the etheric.
Earth’s Etheric Potential Destiny:
The potential of the Earth as lived from her etheric physical body. This level actually surrounds the physical, dense Earth where the free-will experiment is taking place, and is where the potential destiny of Earth and humanity will be lived.
An environment for life where systems support communication and cooperation.
That part of you which keeps you from the memory that you are one with all things. Your greatest teacher and guide is your ego. Wherever it pops up, you know that oneness is imminent and available.
Edgelessness: Going beyond the structure of your mind; your experience.
Electromagnetic Fields:
The subtle bodies of energy which surround the physical and vibrate at varying rates of speed and attune the physical and spiritual dimensions.
The elements are nature’s textures and fabric, such as water, rain, wind, air and fire. Elements are the signals and signs of the changing and growing communication between levels, Earth and Spirit, and bring messages and grace to you. Working with the force fields is working with the elements.
To incorporate into your circuits.
Those individual souls who came on a mission from the Monad at the beginning of time to speak with the Earth about housing the free-will experiment, many of whom are here now; those now here to act on behalf of the Monad, the Council, or creation.
The invisible force which is sustained by substance and expressed through form.
Energy Constant:
Any vehicle which sustains the natural and authentic design of creation—the Silver Chalice, the hologram, truth, order, the fields of order, the fluids of being, the Absolute, and so forth.
The essence is your particular blueprint, fabric, vibration, and frequency uniquely assembled to provide a one-universe point which can be added to the whole. In holographic terms, essence is that which comprises the whole and yet remains distinct.
Any and all points of reality that exist outside of form and yet are intricately linked with the creation of spirit in form.
Evolution is the unfolding learning of souls. It is the upward rising spiral that represents the process of forward movement. The plan was designed so that in each lifetime and situation, when one learns, one moves toward integration, taking another step on the spiral. However, evolution was stopped as a concept at the end of 1991 because the learning was no longer accomplished. People returned to the same learning patterns over and over again, which was not the intention of creation. Remember, if you want to learn without pain, get off evolution and onto the design.
Evolutionary Spiral:
The path which the learning of humanity took to document and record its journey.
~ F ~
Fiber of Being:
The essential place from which life is generated and sustained in oneness. The easiest way to feel this in this world is to align with the sun as it rises or sets, and to become the rays as they touch all life, then you can feel the generation of life within you. This is the sound or tone of the Monad.
Fields of Order:
The fields of order are the Monad’s way of maintaining the universal order here, which is exemplified by nature and the Earth’s rhythms and cycles. It has been designed so that when you enter these fields of order, you can communicate with nature, and know the Monad, or God/Goddess. The rhythms and cycles that support and exemplify order will appear to give you a message, lead you further into nature, or support an understanding to link you more closely to these fields of order, i.e., a butterfly, cloud, twig, feather, or animal. Inherent in these experiences is trust, communion, connection, and knowledge that crosses the line between species. Inter-species communication can result, as well as a sense of belonging and support from all levels of being, and a knowing of oneness with the Monad and the Absolute. So we recommend playing in the fields of order, using nature to access your true connection with the unseen.
(The) Firmaments:
The firmaments are the levels of consciousness where the unseen exists. They surround and uphold these unseen components of the universe as we know it. This is similar to having air around you and your world. The firmaments are fed by substance.
(The) Fluids of Being/Substance:
The fluids are the feminine manna or protoplasm which is the medium for creation, the place where truth is sustained. Substance and the fluids are associated with the fiber of being—the fiber is the etheric linking point and the fluid is the inherent medium through which this manifests. Substance is what gives form to creation, and the food that feeds the firmaments.
Force Fields:
When we speak of foundation it can be the soul as foundation for the psyche, the underlying structure of universal law which gives structure to the etheric, or your making a new structure here of the potential of the hologram so that a new model is formed to support creation.
(Your) Four Pillars:
Your chosen beautiful, 30’ – 40’ tall beings, benefactors and companions provide support and guidance on the Path.
We sometimes use foundation and framework interchangeably. A framework is something you build around or from which houses ideas, creation, and manifestation.
The Free-Heart Experience:
The Light-centered experience of the Free-Heart, a return to the knowing, the wisdom, and the Truth of being; seeding, establishing, and committing to our Path of Truth. The end of the road of duality, and the end of the Free-Will Experiment. This is the time in evolutionary, human super-consciousness, that has been promised The Promise of a Million Years of Dreaming.
Frequency [used in soul/spirit terms]:
1) Frequency is the vibrational identity or sensate imprint that acknowledges and distinguishes one essence or soul imprint from another — one’s frequency is their energetic calling card.
2) A consistent pulse underneath the conscious wave of thought that represents the firmaments.
Free Will:
Free will is the greatest gift to humanity from spirit. Free will is that which provides the capacity to choose and therefore create from whatever is chosen. It is the concept that whatever you choose, you create, which therefore, makes you God/Goddess. When you know this is so, whatever is chosen can manifest through substance.
Free Will Experiment:
The journey of the soul from the Swing Between Worlds to the Earth and the choice to bring those two points together through the union of all points, simultaneously. The experiment where souls in human form live the illusion of separation from God and each other until they choose to remember that truth is union. The Earth’s history is a record of this experiment.
The ninth point of “time.” Synonymous with the hologram, the point of resolution, the fulfillment of the design of union.

~ G ~
God is the point where all comes together and, at the same time, where all is initiated from. It is the going-to and coming-from point. God is inherent in what we call the Monad, and is the first place where expression happened in this universe. As with the Monad, if you decide to be at one with creation, you fulfill yourself inexorably. This is the basis for or the example of life itself. There are no belief systems equated with the Monad or God, nothing that you have to do or not do to be a part of God. Therefore, sin is not a factor because, actually, sin does not exist. Remember that you were born as a part of a great dimension. God is the overseer of this universe, and that which holds the space for the choices of the souls of humanity to be carried out.
Goddess is the part of God which brings the qualities that you think of as feminine. These qualities exist as an inherent point of balance. When souls were created as male and female, then the Monad differentiated itself as God and Goddess. There is no difference in power base (self-actualization potential) or true identity, it is just that the God focuses on knowledge, steadfastness, and expansion, and the Goddess focuses on sustaining, nurturing, and creating. In this universe, the feminine is the force through which procreation and proliferation happens on Earth, and the God is the place where procreation happens in the firmaments. This balance aligns the heavens as well as the Earth.
This sacred marriage is the example of truth, which is feminine because it is invisible, and order, which is the example of male because it is visible. The invisible and visible are unified through the Monad and are then unified in your dimension. If you want to live the sacred marriage, the Goddess intends to be equal to the God, or there is an imbalance. One is not better than the other—both are necessary for completion to occur.
Many of you come to provide order here in feminine bodies as a way to bring balance to Earth, because then you bring with you both qualities. The male on Earth brings the knowledge and the steadfastness and this is coming forth, just as the feminine of sustaining and nurturing and procreation is coming forth. The feminine will create the new ideas, and the masculine will steadfastly hold these ideas and acknowledge them, representing knowledge again. So it is already worked out in the design. The existence of the Goddess assures balance and divine justice here and provides an environment of safety. She is the counterpart of God and is contained in the Monad. The essential nature of creation signals union as a merging which exemplifies the sacred marriage.
Golden ball:
Ball of gold (or your color of choice) Light, transpersonal point the area approximately 3’ above your head; Source. The past, the present, and the future inside you as a ball of Light.
Grace is bestowed upon life as a blessing that has no requirement and is not held back or separated due to action, inaction or reaction. Grace is a state of being and also an element crucial for Peace, because grace opens pathways between aspects and coordinates of life that relate organically and therefore are inextricably linked through the field of interconnection that holds all life (called Order).
[The] Grandmothers, Elders, and Crones of the Divine Feminine:
As we seek to the flow of the Feminine, we look to our predecessors who walk with the ancient truths and wish to support this powerful time of the feminine consciousness.
Greases the Wheel:
That which spins the hologram into completion.
See Hologram, Holographic Reality, and Holographic Wheel.
[The] Great Mother Earth:
Our planet is a living Divine Mother. We honor her as 'The Great Mother' who loves us unconditionally; without her we would not exist in human form. When we connect our heart to hers at the core, we are grounded and held in protection and peace. The Great Mother is comprised of all great Avatars, male and female.
See [The] Great Mother Sophia and [The] Magdalene Stream.
[The] Great Mother Sophia:
The Lineage of the Stream originated with the essence of Sophia, female counterpart of the masculine Monad; together a foundation of nurturing. Sophia brings the manna; and deeply connects us with the Earth to utilize what Mother Earth provides.
See [The] Great Mother Earth and [The] Magdalene Stream.
The process of bringing all the circuits of the body into alignment through the feet. Connection is made with the core of order in the center of the Earth through the feet, and the crown of the head opens to the Source above. Our favorite and easiest way to ground is to imagine that you are on Star Trek and are asking Scotty to beam you up. Imagine that your body no longer has any limits, boundaries, or edges, and is made up of oscillating, dancing cells, like sunlight dancing on water. Imagine this oscillating light coming into the top of your head and sparkling through your body, inch by inch, flowing out the bottom of your feet. Grounding is increasingly more important as old energy beliefs and systems are changing. To be connected with the above and the below creates you as the central point of order between the Hierarchy and the core of order in the center of the Earth (See chapter on grounding for information and another exercise).
~ H ~
The chronicle of events ordered through “time” from the feminine perspective.
Hierarchy of Order:
The Hierarchy of Order is the body of light and knowledge which sustains order and truth on this planet until the equality of balance is accomplished in the people. Then the hierarchy will, in a sense, be reabsorbed and become part of the whole again.
High Heart:
A point located just above the physical heart in the thymus gland, which radiates the presence and promise of Divinity to all that is, without exception. This location in the center of the Order Matrix assists in the sustenance of the rhythm of Peace that reflects, upholds and defines the promise for humanity.
Those points of reality which directly affect the outcome of your design in your current lifetime. They can be “other lifetimes” as you think of your past lives, or simultaneous points of reality if you acknowledge that you exist through all time.
The chronicle of events ordered through “time” from the masculine perspective.
The point of re-union, comprised of all points of time, space, order and being, all aspects, souls, coming together in the experience and memory of oneness
That which can be lived or seen as a hologram and applied to the concepts of oneness.
Holographic Designers:
Those souls who are choosing to assist in the implementation of the hologram now and who assisted in the actual designing of the model at the beginning of Earth time
Holographic Reality (HR):
Holographic reality is the fulfillment of a million years of dreaming, the “time” when all souls of this level and all aspects of the greater universe are aligned through intention and action. We speak of this at times as if it were already here, and for all intents and purposes, that is true. It is here within your knowing and, just as you became form, this will become form. What you are creating is the holographic reality. For all of you to be creators means that there has to be a place for you to create simultaneously, which will contain or uphold all these creators and creations. Your HR is the place where you can all create because the design of the HR is that when you are all ready, HR emerges as a house for your dimension to, in a sense, make a new universe. It is the coming together of all your visions in the seed of light and the fulfillment of that point of being.
Holographic Wheel:
The wheel which spins the reality of the hologram (See Holographic Reality).
In physiology the part of the brain which regulates and balances bodily response to temperature and other bodily functions. In the universal application, the part of the being which regulates the flow of light, light synthesis, and health.

~ I ~
Anything that separates you from the truth and experience of oneness; anything which creates separation.
To permeate or fill with, usually used with light or energy.
The process of placing all events, actions, and experiences into a fluid pool and entering the pool to merge all ideas, thoughts, and judgments, so all that remains is a state of calmness and repose. What emerges from this process is the experience of oneness with all things, and a non-expectancy which engenders resolution (re-solving) of all questions from the whole being. This is the way to practice “being.”
The knowing that you exist now, have always existed, and will always exist.
To make an intention into reality by merging the essence with the form and holding it until it “takes.”
To create an environment with thought and to place it into an existing context. Most times it is someone using their intention to initiate or maintain a field of healing, light, order, truth, or whatever, for the purpose of placing this intended energy within the spaces between the cells or energy bonds of others. It is best exemplified by the concept of absent healing. You put out your intention, then focus on the person or area to be affected, then send out your field and surround and uphold the individual or group or process, and the field of higher order enters the field of pain, dis-ease or conflict, re-ordering or re-attuning it for the highest good of who is involved. Literally, illusion moves out of the field if order is present.
Integration is the process of becoming aligned. It is taking the different parts and putting them together so that they form an integrity within. The result of integration is a state of flowing, so that there are no sharp edges to the experience or to the being.
Intention is choosing, affirming, and implementing the energy to manifest. Making an intention declares to the universe that you are ready to receive. It is the use of volitional will to invoke a chosen reality.
Indra’s net…the essential Truth of all, is that all is One and there can be no separation. Therefore, everything is related, affecting everything and moving together even when that awareness is invisible and inaudible.
Interdimensional Space:
A wave or level of consciousness which flows between dimensions.
To call forth from intention.
~ J ~
Knowledge in action; living through knowing.

~ K ~
The infinite order through which all things are born and have their being. Knowledge is the way of truth, which means that knowledge knows of its own divinity and importance and has taken its place as a structural component of the greater universe. This means that knowing or knowledge is a primary point of creation of the Monad and existed before life as we know it. There are no separate places in knowledge, there is only congruence. That is why when knowledge is present, everyone listens and stops what they are doing, and there is respect and honoring. It is not about knowing facts, it is about remembering being, and therefore it is sanctity.
~ L ~
A concept used to assist in manifestation. Take all the events you would normally see necessary to create an outcome and begin by placing them on a line, from the first event, to the last event necessary to complete the outcome. Then bring them together using a needle and thread or thought wave. When you have threaded all the items, bring the beginning and the completion together by making a lasso. Energetically this speeds up the process of creation, brings the excitement of completion to power the initiation, and uses the domino effect to catalyze the movement of each item to the next.
Law of Cause and Effect:
The universal law of cause and effect defines the underlying relationship between creation and ordering. Creation is the cause and ordering is the effect. The effect is where creation happens in order for what has been chosen or designed to be accomplished. It is different on Earth, and the law of the universe has been translated so that it applies to karma, which was not the original intention. On Earth, the Law of Cause and Effect is usually lived as the opposite of the “Golden Rule.” What you do unto others comes back to haunt you.
Light is the experience of being. Light is the primary source which the Monad utilizes to expand (masculine) and sustain (feminine). Light is the primary source of growth and was initiated by the Monad, created, in a sense, because organically, cellularly, all creation came through this experience of being. Light is the medium for birth. So you all remember light as an innate and long-awaited promise.
Light Body:
The physical representation of light in form.
Light Force:
The unified field created when intention and light join together.
Your place of origin in the unfolding of the design. Identity with and experience of the Monad in the beginning which attends you and aligns your course.

~ M ~
Macrocosm (ic):
The cosmic or absolute reality—the larger picture and the experience of all parts being equal.
[The] Magdalene Stream
The Magdalene is the most powerful archetype of the Sophia. The Magdalene stream of energy represents the eternal wisdom of connection to Origin [the Divine.) Magdalene stream of consiousness is an aspect of twin flame feminine.
See [The] Great Mother Earth and [The] Great Mother Sophia.
Changing consciousness or perception at will.
Master Plan:
The great design hatched at the beginning of Earth time.
The acceptance of your rightful place in the universe. To be a master means that you are aligned with your true essence and live it regardless of your surroundings or the illusions of others. You live in a sacred alignment with all life and know that there is no control necessary or actually possible, and so you shape and guide and nurture, rather than proclaiming. In the same way, there is nothing to be master (or mistress) of, in reality, because it is all one. So a master lives the oneness.
The energetic house of your soul, essence, and vibration, within which the embodiment of your dreams and visions begins. Located in the central area of the chest.
Beyond the physical.
Microcosm (ic):
The individual point of union with self which establishes the basis for interrelationship of all parts of the whole.
Creating from order, outside of time. To create a miracle simply decide what you want to make, gather together the ingredients, and then bring them together without time involved.
Your mission is your calling in expression, the reason you have come, the design in personal/microcosmic perspective.
A particular method offered to provide intervention for a personal challenge. A process to facilitate a transformational experience. Core modalities created by Flo Aeveia and provided by Soul Support practitioners and facilitators are HeartThread℠, Soul Recognition℠, Circuitry Alignment℠, and Accelerated Thinking Process℠.
Model of Cooperation (MOC):
The concept that everything belongs to everyone, everyone gets what they need, and there are no places where separation exists. The MOC is a way to practice being in the holographic reality of the future and provides literal concepts you can study and familiarize yourself with so that you think differently about your existence here. The MOC, lived very literally, would be Heaven on Earth. So you can begin anytime (See Appendix for transcript).
(Monadal) The source of creation, the initial point of recognition which emerged from the Absolute. Sometimes called by humanity God and/or Goddess.
Morphic Resonance:
The tuning fork concept; sharing knowing and creation and vibration within your species through frequency, which brings the knowing into this dimension of Earth; vibrating at the same rate of speed, which imparts knowledge.
Multi-species Inviter:
A signal sent to all aspects of Creation to share the essential nature of one species with another and invite interconnection.
~ N ~
Nadi: River, channel, pathway of energy through the body.
The void and the place of the Absolute.
Oneness; place of resolution/Truth; “What you carry and what you see are the same.” [The Messengers]

~ O ~
Oneness is the incentive to learn, the reason you are here, and the fulfillment of the journey, all at once. The experience of being unified with, the memory of being loved, accepted and honored in infinity, and the incentive to go forward, even when you want to quit. The free will experiment is based on the return of individual points of consciousness to one point of consciousness, or oneness. You came from oneness and so you will return to oneness. It is the experience of no separation.
Held sacred by all points in the universe.
Order is the basis of the universe, the sacred honoring of the individual and collective place of creation. Order establishes the inherent balance which is how light, growth, knowledge, and sustenance exist. In a sense, order is the food of all components, the fertile bed through which the Earth and her gardens in nature are completely balanced. Order calms and brings peace and fosters awareness and encourages expression. Order exists through the Monad and is upheld by the Hierarchy and exists in each person’s matrix as an inherent knowing. When one opens to the matrix and makes the decision to see and know the soul, order begins to “come out” and be remembered and expressed. This makes the society more functional, because more and more people begin to live and create through order, which means they are living and creating through the Monad. Order and the wave of order is the primary way in which the critical mass of consciousness will be opened out unto the Earth.
Order, Light, Truth and Union:
The four principles of Creation; an intention to align with the Path of Truth.
Order Matrix:
Etheric matrix composed of light points in the center of the chest, the area in the body from the collarbone down to the waistline. Stimulating the matrix reminds the cells in the body to be in the hum of the eternal vibration of Order. The Order Matrix is a grid, a ‘renaissance bodice.’
Order wave:
Since order is the basis of this universe, to harness that wave and to direct it into the Earth’s field, can provide extensive changing of the consciousness and experience of those here. Order and truth waves are what is colloquially termed “critical mass.” The order wave is a very important way to acknowledge and expand the existing reality and to create unity.
Organic or organicity means innately unfolding from within, responsive rather than planned, being in the fields of order rather than mental decisions.
The Monad and Sophia’s first point of connection to bring the Divine into expression.
Original Design of your Light:
From the Swing Between Worlds, your first planned incarnation that seeded consciousness; your Blueprint.
To vibrate.
Oscillatory Frequency:
A vibrational wave or pathway.
The process of becoming one with something and exchanging energy on the cellular level. All consciousness is gained, accessed and experienced through osmosis, i.e., prayer, meditation, etc.
Osmotic Fluid:
The cellular fluid which is used by the body to run the charge of light through the circuits.
~ P ~
Structures, models, and frameworks to build reality and creation from and into.
Parallel Reality:
The counterpart reality to this dimension. Here one can create at will by crossing the barrier of perception and merging the two dimensions.
The original point of creation, the Absolute, the point where the free-will experiment began.
Past, Present, Future:
The way reality is divided into separate experiences.
Pathway of Truth:
A path for continued remembrance of Light, and openness to Truth. On the Path, you can find the treasure within yourself when you have no map.
Pathways of Expansion:
The Pathways of Expansion bring tools to remind us that in the mind there are no limits. Moving from outside of the linear basis of reality to what actually initiated reality, offers us the acknowledgement and experience of Creation through our own Spiritual acumen.
Peace of a Million Years of Dreaming:
At the edge of Creation there was a promise made for Peace on Earth. This promise, espoused by all major thought waveforms, is held in the hearts of all peoples, regardless of their actions. The wave of Peace exists even as there is hatred and war, because what is being learned is that perception is not Truth. Peace exists without perception and the heart offers Truth without exception. Humans aspire to Peace, regardless of their belief systems or cultural mores. The accomplishment of this unfolding is gradual, as the power of Truth overtakes the fear cultivated through the mind.
Energy moving toward its fulfillment.
Self-actualization potential, which is housed in the solar plexus chakra. Power is seen as the ability to live one’s fullest potential in the world.
The space where pre-original consciousness exists and is maintained. Before the Monad split into God/Goddess aspects, there was pre-knowledge. As creation and the expanding universe became “defined,” knowledge was born and carried through all aspects of the Monad’s expression. Since knowledge was changed as it was recorded and utilized, and, to some extent, altered and compromised, this pre-knowledge has been held away from humanity. Those coming from the pre-knowledge space have made the commitment to live from that point and bring it to this dimension when the acceleration curve indicates that it is time for the pre-original knowledge to become accorded here.
The moment where you are now, that you identify or perceive as your current reality.
Individual events that may be connected to one another, or may not be.. but do not have to be viewed in any order.
The feminine capacity to create and grow life with no boundaries. The energy of complete union in expression. WOW!
Pure Intent:
The choice to live from the heart of the one for the highest good of all concerned in each moment.

~ Q ~
Quantum leap:
Shifting perception and experience beyond linear understanding; moving beyond expectations; allowing miracles; freely jumping from patterns, beliefs and conditioning to the unknown; fearless expansion; trust in the invisible.
~ R ~
Rays are focused beams of intention which provide different energetic and relational guidance to access consciousness.
The experience of union and oneness.
The act of receiving, being a place where receiving is possible.
The choice to re-order or re-calibrate the system, experiences, or energy of a situation; learning, relationship, or the process of coming to center; breathing in resonance with pure intent, grounding, or any means which will assist you to see a situation more clearly.
The time of rendering is the time of choice. Each of you will be called to make a choice as to whether or not you want to stay here and fulfill your part of the design. Sometimes we speak of it as if the time of choice is about choosing love or fear. Actually it is more accurately whether you will choose to fulfill your potential or not, and then, of course, it is the same thing.
Re-solving; coming back into solution; finding the experience again of being fluid and in oneness with no edges and no separation.
Resolution Constant:
The Silver Chalice is the resolution constant in the universe, or that which brings the coming together of balance in and from all dimensions.
Receiving again the connection with Source.
The ability to respond; the intention of the universe is that you respond instead of being responsible for.

~ S ~
Seed of Light:
The seed of light is located in the soul under the xiphoid process, the pointy bone in the center of the chest. It is your individual and collective vision of your purpose and the part you play in the greater design. The vision of the seed of light, when tapped, provides guidance for actualizing your destiny. The seed of light is a primary source point in the body and is sometimes called the Source chakra. Opening the seed of light enables you to see the pictures of what you are going to do and safeguards the total design by showing you what happens when everyone lives from their truth, and how that collective truth looks and feels. See Soul Seed.
That which you identify as you, and which carries the identity of your psyche. The self is a space that connects the body and spirit.
The state of amnesia which defines things as separate and unrelated or outside of oneness.
A number of similar or related events to be experienced in order of succession, one after the other.
Changing form and shape through the molecular movement of energy and substance.
The microcosmic dot of the Monad which is on a journey to experience itself and then to reunite with its source. The soul houses all memory of all time and space and order and being. The soul is derived from truth and light and carries knowledge and all the incredible seeds of unfoldment. The soul cannot die because the whole universe is its home, so no matter what happens, the soul is always alive.
Soul Seed:
Seed of Light [interchangeable with Soul Seed, same definition remains]
Essence communicated through vibration.
Our spark of Divinity; the Soul Seed; self-authority, awareness.
Taught to us through Mary Magdalene and her Emissary of Light energy that sparks this very beautiful seed, is shared to help each individual find their Path, remember their Light, and open to their Truth.
Source Chakra:
See Seed of Light.
Spirit is the essential way in which the Monad exists in all dimensions. A part of the Monad is expressing as invisible to open the pathways of communication with itself. So in a way, spirit is the messenger of the Monad, a way that we come to know the original through intercessory points. Spirit is the air in the balloon. Spirit is the way in which the Monad communicates, gives messages, and sustains the consciousness of humanity without tipping its hand. There is guidance in the spiritual level which aligns and calls each soul to remember the Monad, which is the point of it all. So spirit is the intermediary between soul and Monad. Spirits come in all shapes and sizes, all levels of remembering. Spirit is also defined as an essence which inspires hope, because when you are in touch with spirit, you live in a closer way to the Monad.
See Fluids of Being.
Subtle Bodies:
The levels which surround the body, make up your “field,” and have dimension in the etheric and invisible, encompassing all points of reality, seen and unseen, and all points of “time.” All that you are is in your field.
The subtle body is an etheric body that connects the physical body to the etheric levels beyond. Regulation of this body through meditation, visualization and tantric practices offers stability and interconnection that affects all four physical levels (body, mind, emotion and spirit), and provides a balance between them that supports ease and grace in all levels.
The subtle body flows over and around the emotional body reflecting the responses to life and circumstance by opening or constricting. Emotional responses are first felt as a response to the subtle body and learning to open flows in the subtle body offers a deep and more comfortable regulation of all systems in the physical.
Facilitators/healers work in the subtle body to affect an open balance in the entire system through physical and psychic means, such as in Soul Recognition
The new Circle, of those now seeding the consciousness of the Path of Truth; The Promise of a Million Years of Dreaming; the time in human evolution that has been promised where we all live in non-duality.
That which has the ability to sustain all life at one moment.
Synchronicity happens when there are no thoughts, and the design is able to be lived automatically with no planning to disrupt it. Try it, it’s great!
Swing Between Worlds:
The inter-dimensional space where souls choose their incarnative destiny. Your first planned incarnation that seeded consciousness; your Blueprint.
Systems Theory:
Systems theory is the unified theory of the universe, which was the original design of the Monad. This theory includes all systems and, of course, all life. The basic principles are that 1) all life has innate intelligence, 2) all life communicates either consciously or unconsciously, 3) all life is creating the experienced reality, or is in co-creation, 4) there is co-responsibility for whatever happens, and 5) that everything is growing toward the light. In systems theory, conflict is seen as an indication that it is time for growth. There is no judgment in this system. Everything is known and unfolding. When one lives from this system, the choice is to grow rather than to fear expansion.
~ T ~
The All That Is:
The Absolute; the space of Creation, ‘being’ purely as essence without form; joining with all life, Creation, and beingness. The void. THe place of unity in all dimensions and with all aspects of creation.
The New Earth:
Unifying the Heart of the One; NO separation from all aspects of Creation; a return to the Knowing, Wisdom, and the Truth of being, determined evolutionarily to foundation a new world, where Order is the foundation.
The Nameless Ones (TNO):
The body of light and knowledge which sustains order and truth in the universe. Amorphous light beings whose “job” is to act as Cosmic Guidance Counselors for humanity. TNO “live” in the Swing Between Worlds.
The Promise of a Million Years of Dreaming:
Super-consciousness; the time in evolutionary, human super-consciousness where the cosmos, the Earth, and all life are unified.
Time/Space Continuum (TSC):
The basis of life on planet Earth is the existence of a set of parameters that defines what is thought of as reality. These parameters make the conditions you experience and are the ingredients which you use to create and bake your cake. TSC is an environment through which things relate to each other, hold their shape and form, can be thought of as chronological, and have a place to occur. A creation of the Monad to house the free will experiment, the TSC changed its parameters at the end of December, 1991, when the Piscean age ended and began being termed “the space of order and being.” Actually, what changed is the perception of life here, rather than that one continuum began and one ended, because it is the perception that creates the experience. Now people are realizing that there is no time and they are more inclined to study “being” than “space.” Actually, order and being is an adjunct to time and space. All four points exist at once, and when the shift happened it was to bring these points together. Piscean = time and space experience; Aquarian = order and being. Put them together and you have technology and the heart.
Time Tunnel:
The point and location in which reality shifts from organic memory of oneness to amnesiac separation and biological conditioning. This is the place you experience just before birth, as described in I Remember Union: The Story of Mary Magdalena.
Toroidal Field of the Heart:
The Heart's electromagnetic frequency arcs out from the Heart and back in the form of a torus field. The axis of this Heart torus extends from the pelvic floor to the top of the skull, and the whole field is holographic, meaning that information about it can be read from each and every point in the torus.
Going beyond the form to experience the essence; returning to the place of knowing and creation while in physical form.
The experience of energetically matching form and spirit in the same vibration, while still in form. Union of all points while physical.
The levels between dimensions; the places a soul travels through during entry to Earth and after death; sometimes referred to by humans to indicate change in the circumstances of life, i.e., going through transition(s).
To change direction or location either physically or psychically.
Transpersonal Point:
The area approximately 3’ above your head.
Truth is the point which upholds life and the design by carrying the wave or energy of the essential story of creation, oneness, free-will, resolution, and therefore, the hologram. Truth brings the design into fruition, and is the incentive for each soul to live from a perspective that engenders truth, for truth guides one to oneness.
Twelve Continuums:
The twelve continuums are the basic universes which are the experience of the total universe relating and evolving and opening unto the oneness. These twelve points are learning simultaneously from different perspectives about returning to the original point of choice, and yet are learning differently in each instance. The twelve becoming one is an important concept to remember because you will encounter this over and over again in your experience. Just as you are living in a unique and singular paradigm, so are all the other eleven continuums, having their own reality and growing toward the light in their own perspective. Some of you have come to align these twelve levels into oneness, and this will be accomplished by the year 2016. As the alignment happens here, it happens everywhere. The twelve levels will become four by the year 2011 and then unify to one level by 2016. The first order of business, however, is to align this universe.

~ U ~
Unified Field Theory:
A field of energy and consciousness that initiates oneness.
The experience of all life as one essence or point of recognition.
There are 12 universes. We live in one. Our universe is comprised of our solar system and all life forms of our physical reality, set in motion by and unfolding from the Absolute.
~ V ~
Oscillation, pulsation, movement of energy, usually too fast for the eye to see.
Visceral Cellular Response:
The organic response to light and truth which occurs in the cells of the body and in the circuits, and therefore establishes magnetism and presence in the physical body.
Seeing with the total being instead of the eye. Seeing becomes more possible when you hold the images together until they become palpable. At this point, you can begin to “see.”
Spiritually referenced as the point of no return, the place of no thought, the unconditional acceptance point of the heart and soul that reflects the Truth of the being without judgment. A place where we go when thought is no longer actively guiding us and we are free to travel the pathways of our own knowing.
Volitional Will:
The intention and choice made in conjunction with free-will which charges the universe to accord the decisions of humanity. Use of volitional will is the most clear way to affect change and create or manifest when in form. To use this path, simply stand on the Earth, create a clear intention of your choosing, breathe into the seed of light to connect the intention with the truth within, and breathe out, seeing the vision of what you are sending forth as meeting the design and Akashic records.

~ W ~
Wave Frame:
The field of energy which comprises the total being, including the body, mind, emotion, spirit, ego, soul, and all points of time.
The process of blending more than one aspect, energy, field, or paradigm into synthesis. Infusion is a form of weaving.
~ X ~
Xiphoid Process:
The point at the bottom of the cartilage in the sternum that indicates the location of the Seed of Light or Soul Seed, the spark of Light that is our Divine signature. See the Seed of Light.

~ Y ~
The Hebrew name for Jesus Christ.
~ Z ~
Zeal (Center of Zeal):
Located in the back of the neck, the center of zeal is the place to unleash your spiritual force and create what you are here to express directly from creation.