The Empowered Herd - Ebook
By: Dawn Oakley-Smith
Dawn Oakley-Smith is a horse whisperer, equine facilitator and spokesperson for the heart of the herd. As Dawn shares the foundation of communication she has discovered with her horses, we become aware of the importance of asking and listening. We learn to more fully recognize how to hear and relate with those who have no human voice.
Dawn’s long-standing experience brings us to rest in the herd with her and with the amazing creatures who have come to stand as way-showers for us. The herd’s message is that freedom for all is necessary to fully appreciate the dance of interdependence that can be chosen by all creatures at the same time, in equality, honoring and respect. As Dawn shares the hearts of the herd and speaks the language of the heart, we open to the weaving of our hearts in the mutual dance of honoring and respect, as healing happens within us and within the herd.
The Empowered Herd is the culmination of years of equine experience that offer us another way to communicate and build our relationship with horses. Dawn Oakley-Smith brings us a rare and sensitive opportunity to listen and respond to the inaudible voices of the herd. Her perceptive and intuitive work provides a backdrop for creating a deeper and more equitable interdependence with the herd that supports both human and horse. Dawn's perspective offers a new and fresh way to relate with horses, provides guidance on how to assess their needs and opens the door for their freedom and independence whilst creating a deep, long-lasting relationship based on mutual honoring and respect.
“Dawn provides guidance in assuring the safety of the horse and the participants during journey work and offers ways to assist in opening and sustaining a unified field for all.”
Format: PDF
By: Dawn Oakley-Smith
Dawn Oakley-Smith is a horse whisperer, equine facilitator and spokesperson for the heart of the herd. As Dawn shares the foundation of communication she has discovered with her horses, we become aware of the importance of asking and listening. We learn to more fully recognize how to hear and relate with those who have no human voice.
Dawn’s long-standing experience brings us to rest in the herd with her and with the amazing creatures who have come to stand as way-showers for us. The herd’s message is that freedom for all is necessary to fully appreciate the dance of interdependence that can be chosen by all creatures at the same time, in equality, honoring and respect. As Dawn shares the hearts of the herd and speaks the language of the heart, we open to the weaving of our hearts in the mutual dance of honoring and respect, as healing happens within us and within the herd.
The Empowered Herd is the culmination of years of equine experience that offer us another way to communicate and build our relationship with horses. Dawn Oakley-Smith brings us a rare and sensitive opportunity to listen and respond to the inaudible voices of the herd. Her perceptive and intuitive work provides a backdrop for creating a deeper and more equitable interdependence with the herd that supports both human and horse. Dawn's perspective offers a new and fresh way to relate with horses, provides guidance on how to assess their needs and opens the door for their freedom and independence whilst creating a deep, long-lasting relationship based on mutual honoring and respect.
“Dawn provides guidance in assuring the safety of the horse and the participants during journey work and offers ways to assist in opening and sustaining a unified field for all.”
Format: PDF
By: Dawn Oakley-Smith
Dawn Oakley-Smith is a horse whisperer, equine facilitator and spokesperson for the heart of the herd. As Dawn shares the foundation of communication she has discovered with her horses, we become aware of the importance of asking and listening. We learn to more fully recognize how to hear and relate with those who have no human voice.
Dawn’s long-standing experience brings us to rest in the herd with her and with the amazing creatures who have come to stand as way-showers for us. The herd’s message is that freedom for all is necessary to fully appreciate the dance of interdependence that can be chosen by all creatures at the same time, in equality, honoring and respect. As Dawn shares the hearts of the herd and speaks the language of the heart, we open to the weaving of our hearts in the mutual dance of honoring and respect, as healing happens within us and within the herd.
The Empowered Herd is the culmination of years of equine experience that offer us another way to communicate and build our relationship with horses. Dawn Oakley-Smith brings us a rare and sensitive opportunity to listen and respond to the inaudible voices of the herd. Her perceptive and intuitive work provides a backdrop for creating a deeper and more equitable interdependence with the herd that supports both human and horse. Dawn's perspective offers a new and fresh way to relate with horses, provides guidance on how to assess their needs and opens the door for their freedom and independence whilst creating a deep, long-lasting relationship based on mutual honoring and respect.
“Dawn provides guidance in assuring the safety of the horse and the participants during journey work and offers ways to assist in opening and sustaining a unified field for all.”
Format: PDF
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Dawn Oakley-Smith is one of those rare and extraordinary human beings who live life from a place of integrity and impeccability. Deeply respectful of all beings and of life itself, Dawn seems able to live in the grounded, earthy, everyday world that we all know, whilst also walking in the otherworld, the world of spirit. She navigates both with a genuine humility that enables her to receive and understand the wisdoms that are being offered.
I have had the privilege of working with Dawn and the HeartShore Herd since 2010. Her love for and connection with horses is awe-inspiring. Watching Dawn with a horse is an experience to behold, they just get each other. Over many decades, Dawn has developed an understanding of the language of horse and uses that to help people from all walks of life, gain a better understanding of themselves, the issues that they might be facing and how they might move forward in their lives.
In the deep soul work that I do with her, Dawn brings us into that place that feels perhaps a little otherworldly, where the soul of horse and human meet. Here relationship is understood and the potential for human growth, integration and healing is without parallel.
It must be said that Dawn’s foundation is always that the health and wellbeing of the horse is upheld to the highest degree possible. She sees each horse, where it is, what it needs and it’s journey through life. She understands them, knows their gifts and what they are here to bring. She is the messenger from the world of horse. They have a lot to teach us, and it would be advisable if we stopped to listen.
- Gabriella Angus, Soul Support Systems UK Facilitator and Trainer
To be in the company of Dawn and her herd, is to witness a profound and life-enhancing time of seeing and knowing communion between... The voice of horse is clear and direct if one knows how to listen. Through Dawn’s instruction we can hear, experience and join up with the essence of horse, and therefore more fully join with our own essence, as Dawn shows us the way forward.
Whether you have a horse, many horses, or no horses, Dawn’s way of bringing truth through the invisible and inaudible communication with these animals teaches us how to live from the part of us that is already connected to all life, and to remember that connection.
- Flo Aeveia Magdalena, founder of Soul Support Systems and author of I Remember Union: The Story of Mary Magdalena