Birthing Your Child's Soul in Light - A Handbook for Expectant Mothers - Ebook
by Flo Aeveia Magdalena
Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting experience! Part of the journey is to make the wisest decisions for your unborn child, from what to eat to planning your actual birthing experience. This booklet offers ways to connect with your child's soul so that you can consider their desires in making decisions.
Format: PDF
by Flo Aeveia Magdalena
Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting experience! Part of the journey is to make the wisest decisions for your unborn child, from what to eat to planning your actual birthing experience. This booklet offers ways to connect with your child's soul so that you can consider their desires in making decisions.
Format: PDF
by Flo Aeveia Magdalena
Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting experience! Part of the journey is to make the wisest decisions for your unborn child, from what to eat to planning your actual birthing experience. This booklet offers ways to connect with your child's soul so that you can consider their desires in making decisions.
Format: PDF
You will also learn how to connect with light from the universe and bring that light into your body and your child's body so that the birth process is easier for both of you. Pre-birth bonding creates a strong foundation of love and support. It is a magical part of welcoming your child into the world.
In this time of almost mechanized birthing, this book is a great gift to all of us: mothers, fathers, children, expectant parents, midwives and the entire health care community. The coherent and usable information is valuable to anyone who desires to communicate with the pre-born or newborn child and even with our own souls... I have personally benefited from reading it and will gladly recommend it to my pregnant clients and anyone working with women and children.
~Michaela Donohue RN, MS., Nurse-midwife, healer
Note: After purchase you will receive an email with a secure link to the ebook lasting 24 hours after the first download. The ebook is also available for purchase on Amazon.