Courses & Programs > The Free-Heart Experience Journey
Are you…
Seeking to thrive in this time of growth and shifting?
In pursuit to establish a ’new’ perspective of what is transpiring in the world around us?
Looking for support as we step into our part in the Creation of the New Earth?
Flo Aeveia Magdalena speaks about the foundational series:
From the time of 12/29/22 to 6/14/25, The Messengers have committed fully to assist and guide us in navigating a gap between struggling at a time in the world where duality has drastically intensified, or choosing a well-lit Path of Truth that we can forge far beyond duality. We are fortifying different ways of being that structurally do not yet exist in our current reality, although they exist in the Truth of our creative concept of being.
The Free-Heart Experience Journey:
A Three-part Foundational Series
Join us now in this unprecedented conversation by acquiring the recorded materials from the three foundational events, each described below.
In your own time and comfort, you can be amazed and uplifted as the growing number of participants have been.
The Free-Heart Experience:
Guidance from The MessengersReceived through
Flo Aeveia MagdalenaPresented: December 29, 2022
As we move from the Free-will Experiment to the Free-Heart Experience, we are aware of a changing of the guard. There is a necessity now for us to choose the Light and the clarity of our deepest evolution, rather than to attend to the pulse beat of the linear world as it strives to fortify its structure.
Since we are at an entirely ‘new’ place in our unfolding, The Messengers have availed themselves to more clearly define the posts of the ‘new’ guardians, what they bring to us, and how we can best implement their wisdom and presence in our world as it turns towards Unity.
This channel from The Messengers was presented at the end of 2022, and will support our understanding of the upcoming time from 12/29/22 to 6/14/25, when the threshing and turning over of existing structures will be at their most intense. With the blessing of foresight, we can prepare, stabilize, fortify and extend our inner resources to establish a consistent and shared vibration to counteract the specific frequencies that intrude into and fray our intentions.
As this is a clear time for common-unity, we offer this experience and wisdom to more fully support each of us as we step into our part in the Creation of the New Earth.
The Free-Heart Experience post-event recorded materials include in both English and French:
· Two hour-long videos
· Two hour-long videos
· Transcript
· Bonus content: Instructions from the Messengers
Unpacking The Free-Heart Experience:
Continued Guidance from The MessengersReceived through
Flo Aeveia MagdalenaPresented: January 30, 2023
At the end of 2022, The Messengers: The Ones with No Names, the Council of Light, the Galactic Federation, the Great Brotherhood, John Henry, William Marshall, the Christ, Magdalene and the Great Mother, joined to provide guidance that is in force until June of 2025.
Their words of instruction created a wave of remembrance and a sharp and clear path for us to travel alone and together into the “Future-Future.” This path creates a tunnel (well-lit and safe) that we will now use to bring the promise of the New Earth into being.
This “Truth Path” provides a safe and conscious place where your own Path becomes more and more who you are. You will then begin to sense or feel others traveling this same Path, and we will all grow together in this way of standing in our Truth, opening our Hearts, connecting with each other, co-creating together and SEEDING the New Earth.
Unpacking The Free-Heart Experience post-event recorded materials include (in both English and French):
· #1 Channeling video; #2 Sharing video; #3 Closing video
· #1 Channeling audio; #2 Sharing audio; #3 Closing audio
· Transcript
Cultivating the Path of Truth:
Continued Guidance from The MessengersReceived through
Flo Aeveia MagdalenaPresented: February 27, 2023
The Messengers again supported the creation and sustenance of our individual and collective Path of Truth as we co-created new ways to live and thrive in this time of growth and shifting.
Their guidance was invaluable in assisting us to establish a ’new’ perspective of what is transpiring in the world around us. Direct instruction in how to live from a place of joy and creation was given in each of their messages.
“Being with The Messengers bring a completely different perspective than I have ever received before. They reveal the way things are and how we can be part of creating a New World with Truth as it is basis.” F.A.M.
Cultivating the Path of Truth post-event recorded materials include (in both English and French):
· #1 Meditation & message video; #2 Meditation & guidance video
· #1 Meditation & message audio; Meditation & guidance audio
· Transcript
· Bonus content: “The Order Matrix Defined” with diagram
If you already have purchased a portion of this series, and need to purchase only one or two parts, please reach out to customer service.
The Free-Heart Experience Journey:
Weaving Our Insights
With the foundational series of new information from The Messengers and Flo Magdalena, we have been guided to traverse an uncharted path – our own Path of Truth. In discovering and being affirmed that in the connection with Source Origin from our own Spark of Divinity, we can more peacefully navigate what appears in our environment as extreme duality.
Upon purchase you will receive an overview fillable form .pdf containing the Seeding of the Free-Heart Experience Meditation with illustrated diagram, KEY POINTS, Glossary and Questions for pondering the process. This tool will serve as a great resource key from the essential foundational three-part series, The Free-Heart Experience; Unpacking the Free-Heart Experience; & Cultivating the Path.
The Free-Heart Experience Journey:
Unfolding The Free-Heart Experience
Since ancient times, knowledge and resources have been held by only a few… survival and creation have been opposites… drama and trauma an everyday occurrence.
The Messengers are changing that. Through their guidance we are opening new doorways to a fuller understanding of ‘how things are’ and walking together to co-create a New World based on Order, Light, Truth and Union, the four principles of Creation.
Join us to continue our step-by-step instructions in ‘how it truly is.’
Your purchase will provide you access to recorded video, audio & transcript materials for the event.
Stay tuned for the next segment of this journey!
If you have enjoyed The Free-Heart Experience Journey so far, check out our Journey with Magdalene below!
Journey with Magdalene:
Discover Your True Purpose and Ignite Your Inner Potential!
Hosted by: Mary Magdalene, received through Flo Aeveia Magdalena
With Magdalene’s guidance, we embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Mary taught us how to change the hierarchy of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, to lead first with our heart.
We experienced responding from our inner wisdom as an exercise we can practice daily, placing our ‘normal’ mental responses aside and more fully being present to our deepest knowing from a place inside that remembers. We learned to ‘see’ each other from a new place and guide our lives from Truth.
Be inspired by Mary's wisdom and encouragement as she led us through our mind, heart, soul and changed the way we see and experience others and all conditions in our world. Mary answered questions, offered her uplifting support, and promised her presence to each of us.
Discover the promise you have come to bring and shed patterns, beliefs, and challenges that have been holding you back, as you step into the promise of the New Earth that Mary’s teachings make possible.
Introduction: To Bring Our Purpose into Alignment with Our Essence, we are:
Isolating the Mind Stream: Instructional Message and Experience
Honoring the Heart Stream: Instructional Message and Experience
Employing the Soul Stream: Instructional Message and Experience
Question & Answer: From live attendee CHAT questions
Ground and Reground Changes in Hierarchy of Function
Closing Remarks
Copyright © 2023
All rights reserved. No part of any of these materials may be reproduced in any form or by any electrical or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author, Flo Aeveia Magdalena.