The Legacy of the Soul
A 12 Part Course —
From Why and How We Come Here to How and When We Leave
Flo Aeveia and Jayn Adina
Flo Aeveia Magdalena with Jayn Stewart
From the perspective of one who is in body, Flo Aeveia Magdalena, and from one who is not, Jayn Adina Stewart, comes the union of the above and the below. Jayn and Flo are offering a course of study and an experience to bring you both the here and now of Earth, and the here and now of Spirit. The view and guidance points from above, when added with ‘the below,’ bring a rounded, richly integrated study of life from the soul’s perspective and eternal wisdom.
Our course takes us from our choice in the Swing Between Worlds to incarnate at this time, through the journey of the soul into form. We investigate the waters of embodiment, stabilization, the grounding of spirit into the cellular matrix, the stages of growth we create through our choices, and the process of shedding and leaving as we approach old age and death. We utilize key points from Mary Magdalene, which address suicide, abortion, and questions about life and death.
A truthful and clear narrative is provided from Flo and Jayn and The Nameless Ones and other spiritual sources. Together we provide deep and insightful answers to your questions and guidance for the choices that face you while navigating the paths before us now, as the world turns differently in this Golden Age.
As subjects/topics are presented, we settle into a dialogue and exchange between us, and our discussions invite spirit to clarify and strengthen our understanding and application of principles to support our expansion and integration.
With love and honoring of our human journeys,
Jayn Adina and Flo Aeveia
As humans in trying times, we often have questions like: Why do things happen this way? What does it all mean and how does it work? Why is there so much suffering? What happens when we die?
Magdalene gives us the principles through which we can stand, and answers to questions that can’t be sorted by religion and belief systems. We are given guidance as creators of Light in how to live more fully, be less afraid to live and not afraid to die.
The curriculum booklet is itself a rich resource and abiding reference, one chapter of twelve as it were. As a registered course member, you will have the opportunity to reflect and journal with Mary Magdalene as your personal guide through meaningful topics.
Partnering with Flo Aeveia and co-creating our course, Jayn Adina responds with truth from her highest perspective. Delighting in our commitment to the continuation of her work, Mary Magdalene participates in the momentum to fulfill her purpose as a unified gift to the world. And who can know of surprise guests that may offer input for the unfolding of the sometimes gritty matters that are so meaningful to us all above and below? Perhaps we will be joined by our steadfast allies, The Nameless Ones. And, a spoiler here: The Angel of Death!
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