Grace and Blessings

The Blessings and Grace of All of the Spheres Surrounds You!

July 10th 2020 Message from Jayn Stewart

I have been receiving this guidance since I took my last breath in the body and my first breath in spirit.

I want each of you to know this, and to feel as I do that bringing the grace and blessings and receiving them is both an honor, a right, and constantly happening without cessation. We don’t ever stop getting or giving the grace and the blessings!

Since I last wrote or spoke, I have been indeed making my circles of Oneness wherever I go. I have also been watching each of you in the current battle that is happening within and without. I watch your inner world happenings, the past and the present fighting to gather a momentum in your present. I watch others attempting to influence your inner world by taking up space there and moving aside your wisdom. I watch how all of the Light Forces are directly now fortifying all of the stanchions and guardian posts and signal posts and places of quest and places of rest.

I am fully aware of the battle that is going on between what you know and hear and remember and use, and what is being sent back time and time again to make you question. Question yourself, question spirit, question the future, question the outcomes, question what we are doing and if it is working. Questioning the reasons and the purposes and the challenges. I see it all.

What I am able to do in these instances for most of you is to reflect with you another reality that might not be on the screen of your awareness. Since I have come here to the spheres I have this awareness of what the moment is bringing and what it holds, both at the same time. The Ones used to tell us that what is held in each moment is Union, and that there isn’t anything missing in the moment, it is more about what we are able to see and hear —what we are able to recognize and address and accept and choose.

Yes, it is really about what we choose and when we choose it and how it impacts and affects those around us, and our inner being — our inner knowing. How does what we choose actually show up for us to access its impact and its outcome?

If we think together of a circle — the Circle of Creation, we realize that every circle has a center, but also an underlying shape or form. The circle is always on top of another circle because no circle stands alone. It can’t, because all circles are part of the One. That is what makes using a circle so powerful. Circles create more circles and keep their shape. They don’t vary and change. If something is a circle it is always the same shape. Otherwise it is an oval or another description.

So a circle has the Union of Creation within it because it emulates the Essence of Creation. There is no difference. So, your life is a circle and within it is the Union of Creation. That is how Union is in every moment. So the secret is to bring the ends of the circle or the beginning and the end of the circle into connection. That gives us a way to experience the Truth that there is Union in each moment.

I say this to you because I am so aware of the challenges you each face. I am so aware of the importance of this time, and that your choice is the only true way that your will can create what you experience — through the choice to see Union now, outside of the time you think it will take to create it.

I am being given such latitude here... such expansiveness. I can be with you each in the twinkling of an eye and reassure you, or gather you into my arms, or send away the boogey men (or women), or give you an idea, or clean your perception, or stand you up taller, or help you resist self-pity or self-doubt or self-annihilation. I don’t do this for you, however. It is your choice to hear me, feel me or know me there. It is your choice to shift your perception or ask another question or claim another Truth. It is your choice that makes all things possible. It is your choice that brings you to me and brings me to you — your choice brings us to each other.

When you stay open to the possible and create circles of light, then you use my grace and blessings and your grace and blessings to make more grace and blessings.

Last month I asked you to take a pause, take a breath, give me space to enter. This month I ask that you draw circles. Circles with you inside and me inside and you outside and me outside and all inside and all outside, realizing that we are even in a bigger circle that we can’t see, don’t yet travel in and yet are a part of — the Circle of Life and Creation.

Feel me now. I have my arms around you. Feel the grace. I have my arms around you.
Feel the blessings. I have my arms around you. Fly with me to the place where there is no distance, no time and no other reality than the hug of the human and the sphere of Creation. Feel this every moment that you remember and know that this then guides your Essence to express more fully and be with the Truth more deeply. That is all that you have to ‘do!’ Feel the grace and the blessings as I do, and all things are possible!

Memories from Jayn’s Life

Holding the Soul of the World Through the The Web of Chrystalline Light from the Board of Soul Support Systems

When we made the choice to incarnate at this time, there were questions that we answered and intentions that we made to stand in the center of duality and come forth as a way-shower of Peace. When we made the decision to come forth, our choice was relevant to what we now find in the world, in our country, in our states, and in our personal life situations.

In this decision, our soul reminds us that we came to hold the field of union for ourselves, for each person we know, and in each situation that develops in the world around us. We hold this field as an indication of what we know is the Truth.

As we hold Union regardless of the situation, this brings us first to our center, our core, and to the no-thing space, the space of being.

When we are clear, present and totally open in this space of being, we act as a Vessel of Light, Order, Truth and Union. We understand that we do not take sides. We do not participate in the right or wrong of the moment or need assurance from the outside that we are safe, secure and connected.

Recent messages from spirit confirm the shadows arising in the world and also confirm the need for us to act, be involved, and to shape the outcomes — outcomes that assure the rights and yearnings of so many for justice, Truth, assurance, acceptance, non-judgment and Peace.

To support the Union and Peace of all peoples in the world is our unified intention. How we play our part is both individual and collective, and begins in the Heart of the One, which we all hold as a Field of Union.

That Field of Union can be shared in an inclusive and extensive way when we each form a web of Chrystalline Light and send it anywhere that we are moved, called or requested to do so, either from inner wisdom or from outer struggles that surround us. We bring the Chrystalline Web of Creation to every challenge, revelation, nefarious act, discordant moment or large global separation. When we do this, we act immediately to dissipate, dissolve or shatter any indication of non-union. We support the presence of this Crystal of Creation as a way of calling forth Truth, holding Union and sending Love and Order to all life.

The Board of Directors of Soul Support Systems stands with each of you as you navigate these waters in this uncertain time. We stand with all peoples, all cultures, and all choices for autonomy and co-creation. We balance our hearts to include all.

We support you living in and from your heart and soul. Please reach out if you have a situation where we can support you. Please reach out if you have something to share with our community. Please communicate with us, to share your requests or offerings, and to let us know how you are using the Chrystalline Web. We intend that this web bring us all together, hold all worlds in harmony, and fully open us to the choice to bring our fullest Essence here NOW!

Thank you for your part in bringing the Promise of Union to Earth.

With love, appreciation and deep respect,
The Soul Support Board of Directors:
Rene Cornwell, President; William Ligon, Vice President; Lauren Liberti, Treasurer; Susan Quinn, Secretary; Sharron Clark and Don Jacobs.
Executive Director: Flo Magdalena