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Foundational Principles for Soul Expansion


With The Nameless Ones and Flo Magdalena

We will be here with all of you as you voyage this year,
because this is the year that will test the endurance of your Light.

  • Learn how the culmination of your eons of experience can be used now, directly into the environment around you.

  • Fortify your understanding of how your Light works in conjunction with Truth.

  • Provide a foundation for your life that is clear, safe and joyful…. No matter what is happening in the world around you.

Many eons ago, we were together, all of us. Before form, before language, before the Earth, before anything but Order, Light, Truth, and Union. We were together. In subsequent eons, we have diverged into a stream of Light and consciousness. And each of us have chosen their place.

We chose to stay without form, and you chose the more difficult path — to come into a physical body. You chose that not just because you had stamina, strength and perhaps determination, but because of the strength of your Light. You wanted to take your Light through time and space and ground it on the Earth. 

Everyone knows that the Earth has given permission, regardless of outcome for her body and consciousness, for individuals to actualize here, as if this was Heaven, through the beauty and the bounty of her body. To find home again, to find peace, to find the connection with the all that is, which birthed everything.

And this is all common knowledge.

What is not common knowledge, is that the Light that you carry has so much endurance and strength, and has cultivated within itself a bountiful, direct connection through Light with the Truth of Light. 

An enduring Light, such as you, each of you, will want to be honing that Truth muscle and the clarity of knowing what Truth is to almost an inestimable degree; almost a thousand million percent, now. You want to know what Truth is immediately in the core of your body and accelerate, clarify and deepen your Light, and make it even more transparent, simultaneously.

We do not want to be absent from that process. We also do not want to hold any information, guidance, instruction, or clarity that we could provide for you, because that would make no sense. 

We want to foster a relationship with you that is ongoing in a more direct way so that you feel our presence more, because that will counteract the environment around you that is contrary to Truth, assaulting Truth or trying to instill something that is called truth that is not.

Join us for a donation-based monthly 2-hour immersion into the foundational principles of our soul’s origin, integrity, endurance, clarity, intention and focus.

Join us @ 12pm ET on the following dates:

January 18th
Februry 22nd | March 22nd
April 12th | May 10th
June 14th | July 19th
August 16th | September 13th
October 18th | November 15th
December 13th


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