Are you…

Seeking to speak with the lineage of those who have come before?

Determined to shape a New Earth?

In pursuit of open pathways to the Divine in each heart?

Join us to find, connect with and fully empower your unique place in the Grand Design of Peace.


A 4-hour Council Meeting with Flo Aeveia Magdalena


The Great Mother Earth, The Great Mother Sophia, The Magdalene Stream, The Grandmothers, Elders, and Crones of the Divine Feminine

November 16, 2024, 10:00 - 2:00 pm Eastern

At this time in our human evolution, the voices of our ancient Mothers are calling us forth. 

Whether we are in touch now with these voices matters not. We are being called.

Our opportunity is to speak with the lineage of those who have come before, listen to their guidance, and to add our unique purpose for being here now. Our unified intention is to bring together the troughs of separation cultivated from long-standing beliefs and dogmas that have robbed all humans of their truest hearts.

We are all being called to bring our wisdom to the fore as we stand in a new heartfelt way among the dissention, discord, and dissonance. We are here to provide the ancient paths of grace that have always stood with the clarity of hope… paths that will be revealed as we sit in Council with the Divine.

Share the Weaving of Voices; hearing from, connecting with, and being guided by the Towers of the Archetypal Feminine:

10:00 am: The Great Mother

I Am You and You are Me; Sharing Minerals, Kingdoms and Destinies

11:00 am: The Great Mother Sophia: 

Bringing the Divine to the Human and the Human to the Divine

12:00 pm: The Magdalene Stream: 

Thriving while Human; Remembering Your Thread; Acting Your Destiny

1:00 pm: Galvanizing Your Part of the Design: 

Living Your Fullest Purpose and Potential

As we unlock the power of the feminine to divinely guide our journeys, we will each find within us the strand we carry. As we weave our strand into the fabric of the world’s consciousness, we embody the promise we each brought to shake the foundations of untruth, distrust and annihilation. It is together that we will shape a New Earth and open pathways to the Divine in each heart.

The Voice of the Mothers is our textbook and free with your tuition.

Note: You will receive a link in your email to claim the textbook after registration.